Not long had my PPD tutorial with John. What a helpful and inspiring man he is.
I'm happy to report he seems to like my briefs, although I need to change the alphabetical reference one again, but that's fine.
I went through each brief, telling him my ideas and what I want to create, and he showed me loads of unique existing ideas which I can pull apart and use within my work.
The Adobe Museum of Digital Media was brought to my attention. I'm literally stunned by it. It's absolutely amazing!
John got me thinking bigger, and I've now got so many more ideas as to what I can do with my project, rather than just producing standard posters.
A virtual museum is a brilliant idea, and it's something Adobe has created.
They have designed and created the building for an online presence which have extraordinary dimensions. This is a genius idea! Almost anything can be designed to be viewed online and anything as big as you like can be too. Limitations are so broad.
The museum has a very strange looking tour guide which is pretty cool. She (or 'it') swims around, describing the museums appearance, diameters and makes exhibitions know to the viewers.
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